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J. C. Rawls Foundation

The J. C. Rawls Foundation was established to support the educational aspirations of college and alumni Brothers of Alpha in the FL District.
A scholarship is named in honor of one of our most beloved and respected Brother in the Bonds, Brother J.C. Rawls, Life Member #21, and former District Director of Florida for his sterling example of Service, Brotherhood, Leadership, and Commitment to the ideals of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. and the Florida District. Bro. Rawls was a 1946 initiate of the Beta Epsilon Chapter at NC A&T. He served as FL District Director for 11 years. He was a charter member of the Epsilon Pi Lambda (Ocala FL) and Nu Eta Lambda (Gainesville FL) chapters and a founding member of the Theta Sigma (University of Florida) chapter. He served as the mentor for many of his frat Brothers. Brother Rawls entered Omega Chapter, Alpha's chapter of sweet rest, January 18th, 2017.
Each year scholarships are awarded to college and alumni Brothers to pursue undergraduate and graduate degrees.
Your tax-deductible donation can be made to Foundation by contacting the Chair for details.

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