Greetings Brothers, I am Anski Saint-Fleur, your newly appointed Assistant District Director for the Florida Federation of Alpha Chapters (FFAC). I'm proud to serve in the Harris-Saint-Fleur Administration along with District Director Bro. Dr. Gregory J. Harris.
Currently, I am an active student at the University of Florida where I was initiated into the Theta Sigma Chapter during the Fall 2021 semester. At the University of Florida, I am presently majoring in Computer Science. Along with my studies, I also serve as the President of the Theta Sigma Chapter and outgoing Programs Chairperson in the National Society of Black Engineers where I am the representative for black engineering students to ensure that they have professional development and a great experience on campus.
As the newly appointed Assistant District Director, I am delighted to collaborate closely with the District Director to achieve our shared objectives of showcasing brotherhood through exemplary leadership, service, and scholarship. To effectively promote this my primary responsibility for the upcoming year will be to support the District Director in all his official duties while concurrently serving as the liaison between the district and college chapter affairs.
As I assume this office, I will utilize the “Our Florida District DNA” platform initiative to ensure equitable representation of College Brothers in leadership positions and facilitate their active participation in the decision-making process. My administration will prioritize fostering a culture of inclusivity, mutual respect, and ownership throughout the Florida Federation of Alpha Chapters (FFAC). Additionally, I aim to keep Alpha members informed of relevant updates and opportunities at the District, Regional, and National levels to encourage their continued engagement.
I am honored to collaborate with Brother District Director Gregory J. Harris and committed to maintaining the Florida Federation of Alpha Chapters (FFAC)'s high standards.
Bro. Anski Saint-Fleur
Assistant District Director
e}: add@FLFederation.org
p}: 855-906-1950 Ext. 701